+353 1 716 1132
All Categories
3D Printing & Scanning - Electrical
Arts and Craft tools and equipment
Arts and Craft Tools and Equipment - Electrical
Audio / Visual equipment
Bathroom furniture
Bedroom Furniture
Boardroom/meeting room furniture
Building Equipment/Tools/Materials
Cafe / kitchen equipment/supply
Cafe / kitchen furniture
Cleaning/ Janitorial equipment and supplies
Computer Peripherals - Electrical
Devices holding data - Electrical
Educational equipment
Educational sensory audio/visual equipment
Field/Outdoor Equipment
Fixtures and fittings
Kitchen or Meeting room - Electrical
Lab Equipment
Lab furniture
Lab supplies
Library Equipment
Medical and Hospital Ward - Electrical
Medical furniture
Medical or Hospital ward equipment (non electrical)
Mobility aids
Musical Instrument
Office accessories
Office Accessories - Electrical
Office interiors
Outdoor furniture and fixtures
Play Equipment
Point of Sale
Pub / bar equipment - Electrical
Pub/ bar furniture, fixtures and fittings
Reception furniture
Research / Medical / Lab - Elecrical
Retail (electrical)
Retail (non electrical)
Soft furnishings
Sports equipment
Tools and machinery (Electrical)
Vehicle accessories
Waste Bin
Performance Data for University College Dublin
Total Savings
Amount saved by your organisation through internal claims.
On internal claims
Amount saved on waste by your organisation.
On waste
Amount saved from items claimed from other organisations.
On external claims
We assume each transaction saves £50 in procurement time. Assuming the Warp It user who claims an item/s would have bought the item/s new and undergone a procurement procedure, we can assume that each transaction saves 20 mins of time. This would usually have been used to purchase, process the procurement procedure and receive delivery. You can adjust the Cost of Purchase in your settings.
On admin costs
Total amount saved by your organisation so far by using Warp-IT.
This metric is a theoretical saving and reflects the number of jobs the savings would have saved- the company admin can alter this factor to reflect the average salary value in the organisation.
Jobs Secured
External Charities & Partners
Value of transactions which have been claimed by external organisations which aren't a Charity, ie University, SME etc. The value of an item X number of items.
Donated to external
Value of items donated to Charity. The value of an item X number of items.
Donated to charity
Total number of organisations you organisation are partnered with.
# Of Partners
The number of charities you are partnered with.
Charity Partners
The total number of items listed by your partners.
Items Listed By Partners
User Info At A Glance
To generate this data we assume that the Warp It user who is claiming an item/s on the system, would have bought the same item/s new and had it delivered to their place of work. For every transaction on the system we assume 30 minutes for the Warp It user and then their financial department to purchase and process the purchasing paperwork, as well as staff time for internal delivery.
Staff time saved
Total number of members within your organisation.
Number of members
The number of members that have logged in during the last 3 months.
Active members
Average transactions placed by your organisation per member. This is the total number of claims, regardless of the quantity of items claimed dived by the total number of users.
Transactions per member
Average transactions placed by your organisation per active member. This is the total number of claims, regardless of the quantity of items claimed dived by the total number of users who have logged in in the last 3 months.
Transactions per active member
Total savings made divided by the total number of users.
Saving per member
Total savings made divided by the total number of users who have logged on in the last 3 months.
Saving per active member
34140 minutes
Claims Info At A Glance
The number of items claimed this week by members of your organisation.
This Week
The average time it takes for an item to be claimed.
Average time to claim
The total value saved, divided by the total number of transactions.
Average value of claims
Total savings made from items claimed from external partners.
Claims from external partners
Native broadleaf trees provide sustainable habitat for wildlife and enhance the natural landscape. These are therefore commonly used for Carbon offsetting projects. Over the course of its lifetime, a broadleaf tree absorbs on average 730KG of CO2.
Trees Planted
27.60 Days
Total Saved £
All Time
Year : 2011
Year : 2012
Year : 2013
Year : 2014
Year : 2015
Year : 2016
Year : 2017
Year : 2018
Year : 2019
Year : 2020
Year : 2021
Year : 2022
Year : 2023
Year : 2024
Year : 2025
User Summary
Total Savings
Saved on purchases by internal trades
Saved on purchases from external trades
Saved on waste by external trades
Saved on waste by internal trades
Saved on staff time
Total Savings
Old KPIs (with methodology as per existing guidance.)
CO2 Saved (KG)
Cars Off The Road
Waste Avoided (KG)
Trees Planted Equiv
Total Savings